
Season 1

  1. Nora’s Story
  2. Poet Tonya Ingram
  3. Artist Charlie Fitz
  4. Writer Alexa Wilding
  5. Playwright Matilda Ibini
  6. Artist Claudia Walder
  7. Illustrator & Fashion Designer Ronaé Fagon

Season 2
  1. Writer Kendall Ciesemier
  2. Director and Musician Chris Tartaro
  3. Writer and Performer Jezz Chung
  4. Entrepreneur Akilah Cadet
  5. Artist Ethan Lipsitz


©2024 So, Life Wants You Dead

E001 → Liver Transplant: Nora’s Story of Liver Failure, Reimagining Dreams and the 'Why' of So, Life Wants You Dead

In this episode, Nora talks about her illness, what happened when she went into liver failure and her subsequent liver transplant surgery. Speaking to her friend and former colleague Christine Cestaro she talks about why she wanted to start So, Life Wants You Dead, the power of community and what this show is all about.