
Season 1

  1. Nora’s Story
  2. Poet Tonya Ingram
  3. Artist Charlie Fitz
  4. Writer Alexa Wilding
  5. Playwright Matilda Ibini
  6. Artist Claudia Walder
  7. Illustrator & Fashion Designer Ronaé Fagon

Season 2
  1. Writer Kendall Ciesemier
  2. Director and Musician Chris Tartaro
  3. Writer and Performer Jezz Chung
  4. Entrepreneur Akilah Cadet
  5. Artist Ethan Lipsitz


©2024 So, Life Wants You Dead

EP003 → Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: Charlie Fitz On Using Art to Reclaim the Medical Narrative

In this episode, we talk to Charlie Fitz. Charlie is a UK-based sick and disabled artist, arts practitioner, writer, co-director of the remote artist studio TRIAD³ c.i.c and medical humanities postgraduate at Birkbeck, where she is a recipient of the Wellcome Trust studentship. 

Since becoming sick, Fitz has turned to her art practice as a meditative process, a form of disability activism, and as a means to understand and reclaim her experiences of illness and trauma. 

In today’s episode, we talk about Charlie’s experience with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, her time in the hospital, and having to outsource care and fundraise for surgery. We also discuss mental health, interdependence, collective care and her art practice. 

Content warning: We talk about death and suicide in this episode. If you or a loved one is experiencing suicidal ideation or needs support, please reach out. Help is here for you.

Charlie's Instagram
Charlie's Website


UK:  Samaritans: Call: 116 123 free

National Suicide Prevention Helpline at 0800 689 5652

USA: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is: 988