
Season 1

  1. Nora’s Story
  2. Poet Tonya Ingram
  3. Artist Charlie Fitz
  4. Writer Alexa Wilding
  5. Playwright Matilda Ibini
  6. Artist Claudia Walder
  7. Illustrator & Fashion Designer Ronaé Fagon

Season 2
  1. Writer Kendall Ciesemier
  2. Director and Musician Chris Tartaro
  3. Writer and Performer Jezz Chung
  4. Entrepreneur Akilah Cadet
  5. Artist Ethan Lipsitz


©2024 So, Life Wants You Dead


So, Life Wants You Dead is a podcast about the intersection of creativity and illness. It's hosted by Nora Logan, a writer, well-being advocate and liver transplant recipient. Nora went into unexpected liver failure in 2015 at age 28 whilst working in late-night comedy TV. 

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